Mini Programme
a) MINI_CCE : Charge Collection Efficiency test on the miniature sensor
The Mini programme will focus on 1.6×1015 neq/cm2 and study of Charge Collection Efficiency (CCE) as a function of reverse bias voltage (in steps of 100V up to 700V) using ALiBaVa systems.
The following test-specific properties should be recorded:
- ID_ALIBAVA_DB: (Required) Identifier of AliBaVa Daughter Board used for measurements (string)
- ALIBAVA_CHIP_NUMBER: (Required) ALiBaVa chip number – 0/1 (integer)
- SCALE_NORM_ADC: (Required) ADC value that determines temperature to which raw value is corrected (float) [ADC]
- SLOPE_NORM_ADC: (Required) Slope of linear fit used to normalize ADC to -20 °C (float) [ADC/°C]
- INTERCEPT_NORM_ADC: (Required) Intercept of linear fit used to normalize ADC to -20 °C (float) [ADC]
- FACTOR_ADC_TO_e: (Required) Conversion factor from ADC to electrons (float) [e/ADC]
- SOURCE_METER: (Required) Identifier/model of source meter used for measurements (string)
- ALGORITHM: (Not required) Method used to extract collected charge (e.g. Landau MPV from binned likelihood fit or Landau MPV derived from fit to histogram) (string)
NB: for sites performing CCE measurements at -20 °C, SCALE_NORM_ADC, SLOPE_NORM_ADC and INTERCEPT_NORM_ADC can be set to 0.
Then for each voltage starting from 300V up to 700V, 4 raw parameters should be recorded as float 1-dimensional arrays:
- VOLTAGE: (Required) Set bias voltage [V]
- CURRENT_ (Required) Measured leakage current [A]
- HUMIDITY: (Required) Humidity at sensor [%]
- TEMPERATURE: (Required) Temperature at sensor [°C]
From these the following derived parameters are recorded for each voltage in float 1-dimensional arrays:
- LandauMPV: (Required) fitted MPV of the Landau distribution (e) (float)
- NORM_CURRENT: (Required) Current/cm2 normalized to -20°C (A/cm2) (float)
And the specifically just at 500V:
- CCE_500V: (Required) Charge Collection Efficiency / fitted MPV of the Landau distribution at 500 V (e) (float)
- LandauScale: (Required) Width parameter of the Landau distribution at 500 V (e) (float)
- GaussSigma: (Required) Sigma of the Gaussian distribution at 500 V (e) (float)
- FittedMPV: (Required) Most Probable Value from of the Landau-Gaussian convolution fit at 500 V (e) (float)
- Distribution_bins: (Required) Number of counts in each of the different bins of the fitted distribution (dimensionless) (float 1-dimensional array with 100 bins starting at 0 ke up to 50 ke, i.e. bin width of 0.5 ke)
- Array: bin1: counts, bin2: counts, ..., bin100: counts
- For 500 V and above, at least 6350 e- signal is required for the fitted Landau peak
b) MINI_IV (optional): Current/Voltage test on the miniature sensor (Mini)
An optional IV test for Minis will be defined in the DB.
The following test-specific properties should be recorded:
- SOURCE_METER (Required): Identifier/model of source meter used for measurements (string)
- RSERIES: (Required) Series resistance used in the setup for the test (Ohm) (float)
- ALGORITHM: (Not required) Extraction algorithm name and version (string)
For each voltage starting from 100V, 4 raw parameters will be obtained and recorded in the text data file but not uploaded to the DB:
- Set voltage [V]Current [A]
- Humidity at sensor [%]
- Temperature at sensor [°C]
The following raw parameters should be recorded in a float array:
- VOLTAGE: (Required) Set voltage [V]
From these the following derived parameters should be recorded for each voltage in float arrays:
- NORM_CURRENT: (Required) Current/cm2 normalized to 20ºC (to -20ºC after irradiation) [A/cm2]
The following extracted parameters should also be recorded as floats:
- NORM_CURRENT_500V: (Required) Current/cm2 at 500 V normalized to 20ºC (to -20ºC after irradiation) (A/cm2) (float)
- VBD: (Required) Breakdown voltage (V) (float) (in case breakdown is not visible, there will be some way to denote this, e.g. an arbitrary “code number” - TBD)
Thresholds: (Not set in the DB as this test is optional)
- Before irradiation:
- Leakage current/cm2 (@500 V) (RH < 20%) < 10-7 A/cm2
- Breakdown voltage, VBD > 500 V
- After irradiation to 1.6×1015 neq/cm2:
- Leakage current/cm2 (@500 V) normalized to -20°C < 10-4 A/cm2
- Breakdown voltage, VBD > 500V.