Strip Module Information¶
The information below is definitely incomplete, possibly inaccurate and almost certainly outdated.
Other sources include:
Module Stages¶
To reflect the real life status of a component in the database, we use the stage feature of the database
- Tests are associated in the database to stages and are uploaded to the database when they occur in the life of an object
- Stages are also used for yield calculations
- How many started parts reach which stage, which test fails and why
- Example: IV test after HV-tabbing tells us how safe the process is, based on IV comparison before and after the tabbing
Stage control¶
Stage contol is implemented and functionality is differentiated across user roles (see general section on User Levels):
executive users can advance to next stage
- cannot advance more than one stage
- cannot revert stages
institute authority users can select any stage
Users should be aware of limitations to user rights when intefacing with the production database via scripts (including commandline, notebooks, GUIs and web applications).