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QC Software doc

This is a documentation about the SW packages for module QC.
The doc describes how to use the packages according the flow of the module QC.

SW Installation and Setting up

SW_structure * Production DB: A central DB for ITk,setup in Czech.
* LocalDB: A local DB based on mongoDB to manage module info, QC results and related information.
* InfluxDB: A DB dedicated for time series data. We use this DB to store DCS data in the QC.
* QC helper: A SW to manage QC results, especially for non-electrical tests.
* YARR: A SW to use electrical tests and upload the results to LocalDB.
* LabRemote: A SW to control DCS and upload the data to LocalDB via InfluxDB. This SW is officially supported in the system but you can also use other SW in the module QC.
* Scan Operator: A SW to use in electrical tests. It can help the user to perform the tests with YARR and LabRemote (or any other DCS controller).

I. Install DB packages and Setup the system in your DB server

→ Go to the page

II. Install SW packages for DAQ(YARR, LabRemote, Scan Operator, QC helper) in your DAQ machine

→ Go to the page

QC flow


From the side of SW packages, the QC flow is roughly devided into two parts, bare module QC and module QC, as you can see in the figure.
For bare module, we use "QC helper" to manage the QC results and upload the data to the production DB.
For module QC, we use LocalDB to manage the QC results. Uploading QC results to the LocalDB is supported some DAQ SW packages. Uploading/Downloading the results to/from the production DB is supported in the LocalDB function.

Please follow the QC steps from the link below.

Flow for Bare module QC

→ Go to the page

Flow for module QC

→ Go to the page

Git repositry and corresponding version for each SW package

Release date: 28/10/2021

SW Git branch
localdb-tools ldbtoolv1.6.0 master
QC helper* v2.4.6 master
Scan Operator 1.0.1 master
YARR v1.3 master
labRemote v3.0 main
* Need to be subscribed the e-group of atlas-itk-production-database


  1. Document of "Traveling module" (
  2. Yarr docs (
  3. LocalDB docs (
  4. Tutorial page for ITk production DB (
  5. Documents for QC tutorial in February
  6. Serial Number Specification for ITk pixel modules
  7. Mongo DB web (
  8. Influx DB web ( Verified and tested with version 1.7. The qc-softwares are not supporting the Influx DB of version 2.x.
  9. Grafana web (