Custom PDB Tools¶
Several tools have been developed which help users interact with the ITk Production Database (PDB).
There are several tools available covering general functionality and specific tasks for projects/components/tests. Some tools are hosted centrally and accessible through the web (via a Browser) and others are available from download via online repositories (e.g. gitLab).
NB For all database interactions, users require two ITk PDB passwords for access. For ITk PDB registration instructions see here.
PDB interfaces¶
The standard browser based interface with PDB is the Unicorn webApp. In addtion there is an API which allows development of custom tools via browser, commanline or GUI.
Unicorn WebApp¶
Unicorn webApp was developed as the default test web application to interface with the PDB. It has since become is the "official" web-based application for interacting with the ITk PDB.
The web application provides functionality for:
data registration
- registration and update of of component, test and batch types
- registration and update of individual components, test runs and batches
- registration and update of shipments
data querying
- components
- test uploads
- shipments
Custom Tools¶
Custom tools are possible thanks to the ITk PDB API. For detailed instructions see here.
Several interface tools have been developed to ease general and specific (pixels, strips)interactions with the PDB. Some are listed here.
- the vast majority of these tools use the itkdb pythonic wrapper to interface with the PDB via the API.
General Tools¶
These PDB inteface tools include functionality for a number of PDB interactions and are intended to cover a number of users tasks.
A non-comprehensive list:
Commandline based tools¶
General Scripts: GitLab repository of scripts for all projects
Pixels Scripts: Pixels specific parts of gitLab repository
Strips Scripts: Strips specific parts of gitLab repository
Core Calculator: Calculate core effort based on user specified component population and completion criteria
Pixels Focussed Tools¶
Pixels Streamlit webApp: generic component, test and batch registration with project specific test analysis pages
- documentation: webApps docs
Pigtail multi-theme webApp: Pixels Pigtails specific component/test registration and reporting
ITkFlask: Pixels institution inventory, component and testRun registration
Hybridisation Vendor webApp: streamlit webApp for hybridisation vendors to register and assemble bare modules
LocalDB: Pixels electrical test uploads
Module QC Non-electrical GUI: GUI for Pixels Module non-electrical tests
- documentation: itk-docs
Strips Focussed Tools¶
Strips Streamlit webApp: generic component, test and batch registration with project specific test analysis pages
- documentation: webApps docs
ITk test GUI: per component test check and visualisation for Strips components.
UBC ITSDAQ uploader: tool to help upload its-daq data to PDB.
- Reproting parts should work for everyone
- Uploading parts maybe hard-coded for BNL
ITk Yields reporting: framework to derive production yields from PDB data.
Strip Twiki: list of PDB tools per area
Other tools¶
Common Electronics streamlit webApp:
- documentation: webApps docs
- documentation: itk-docs page
PDB contacts¶
Please use the platforms below to give feedback, suggestions or contribute to ITk PDB activities:
egroup: atlas-itk-production-databaseATcernDOTch, please join here
mattermost: ITk-Production-Database